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2021-03-07 00:37:42 +00:00
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use std.textio.all;
entity cpu_test is
end cpu_test;
architecture rtl of cpu_test is
component cpu is port(
clk: in std_logic;
rst: in std_logic;
code_data: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
code_addr: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
mem_in: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
mem_out: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
mem_addr: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
mem_write: out std_logic;
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mem_read: out std_logic;
mem_busy: in std_logic
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end component;
type romtype is array(0 to 11) of std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal romdata: romtype := (
x"0000", -- NOP
x"e02a", -- SET r0, 42
x"e125", -- SET r1, 37
x"2010", -- STORE r0, [r1]
x"1210", -- LOAD r2, [r1]
x"3322", -- ADD r3, r2, r2
x"2310", -- STORE r3, [r1]
x"c020", -- CMP r0, r2
x"de01", -- BEQ pc, 2
x"0000", -- NOP
x"ee00", -- SET pc, 0
signal finished, clk, rst: std_logic := '0';
2021-03-07 03:11:11 +00:00
signal mem_write, mem_read, mem_busy: std_logic;
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signal rom_data, rom_addr, mem_in, mem_out, mem_addr: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
dut: cpu port map(clk => clk, rst => rst,
code_data => rom_data, code_addr => rom_addr,
mem_in => mem_in, mem_out => mem_out, mem_addr => mem_addr,
2021-03-07 03:11:11 +00:00
mem_write => mem_write, mem_read => mem_read, mem_busy => mem_busy);
2021-03-07 00:37:42 +00:00
-- clock
if finished = '0' then
clk <= not clk;
wait for 5 ns;
clk <= '0';
end if;
end process;
-- rom
process(clk) is
variable code_index: natural;
variable data_index: natural;
constant alignment: positive := 16 / 8;
if rising_edge(clk) then
code_index := to_integer(unsigned(rom_addr)) / alignment;
rom_data <= romdata(code_index);
end if;
end process;
constant alignment: positive := 16 / 8;
variable index: natural;
end process;
rst <= '1';
wait for 1 ns;
assert(rom_addr=x"0000") report "Fail rst" severity error;
rst <= '0';
wait for 10 ns;
assert(rom_addr=x"0002") report "Fail PC advance @00" severity error;
wait for 30 ns;
assert(rom_addr=x"0008") report "Fail PC @06" severity error;
assert(mem_write='1') report "Fail set mem_write to 1" severity error;
assert(mem_addr=x"0025") report "Fail set mem_addr to 0x25" severity error;
assert(mem_out=x"002a") report "Fail set mem_out to 42" severity error;
2021-03-07 03:11:11 +00:00
mem_busy <= '1';
wait for 10 ns;
assert(rom_addr=x"0008") report "Fail hold PC @08" severity error;
assert(mem_read='0') report "Fail to wait until mem_busy is low" severity error;
mem_busy <= '0';
2021-03-07 00:37:42 +00:00
wait for 10 ns;
assert(rom_addr=x"000a") report "Fail PC @08" severity error;
assert(mem_write='0') report "Fail set mem_write to 0" severity error;
assert(mem_read='1') report "Fail set mem_read to 1" severity error;
assert(mem_addr=x"0025") report "Fail set mem_addr to 0x25" severity error;
mem_in <= x"002a";
wait for 30 ns;
assert(rom_addr=x"000e") report "Fail PC @0c" severity error;
assert(mem_write='1') report "Fail set mem_write to 1" severity error;
assert(mem_addr=x"0025") report "Fail set mem_addr to 0x25" severity error;
assert(mem_out=x"0054") report "Fail set mem_out to 84" severity error;
wait for 40 ns;
assert(rom_addr=x"0016") report "Fail to branch" severity error;
wait for 10 ns;
assert(rom_addr=x"0000") report "Fail to jump" severity error;
assert false report "Test done." severity note;
finished <= '1';
end process;
end rtl;