- common files to a new 'wmc-common' package in common/ - skycraft now puts all serving files into static/
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import * as se3 from 'wmc-common/se3';
import * as linalg from './linalg';
import {Vec3} from './linalg';
interface Orbit {
excentricity: number,
semimajorAxis: number,
inclination: number,
ascendingNodeLongitude: number,
periapsisArgument: number,
t0: number,
lastE: number | undefined,
tf: number[] | undefined,
interface Body {
position: Vec3,
velocity: Vec3,
orientation: Vec3,
children: Body[],
mass: number,
orbit: Orbit,
spin: Vec3,
name: string,
export function updateBodyPhysics(time: number, body: Body, parentBody : Body | undefined = undefined) {
if (parentBody !== undefined) {
const mu = parentBody.mass;
const {position, velocity} = getCartesianState(body.orbit, mu, time);
body.position = [
parentBody.position[0] + position[0],
parentBody.position[1] + position[1],
parentBody.position[2] + position[2],
body.velocity = [
parentBody.velocity[0] + velocity[0],
parentBody.velocity[1] + velocity[1],
parentBody.velocity[2] + velocity[2],
} else {
body.position = [0, 0, 0];
body.velocity = [0, 0, 0];
body.orientation = getOrientation(body, time);
if (body.children !== undefined) {
for (const child of body.children) {
updateBodyPhysics(time, child, body);
export function findSoi(rootBody: Body, position: number[]) : Body {
const bodies = [rootBody];
let body : Body;
while (bodies.length > 0) {
body = bodies.shift()!;
if (body.children === undefined) {
return body;
for (const child of body.children) {
const soi = child.orbit.semimajorAxis * Math.pow(child.mass / body.mass, 2/5);
const pos = position;
const bod = child.position;
const dr = [pos[0] - bod[0], pos[1] - bod[1], pos[2] - bod[2]];
if (dr[0]**2 + dr[1]**2 + dr[2]**2 < soi**2) {
return body!;
export function computeOrbit(player: any, body: Body, time: number) {
const {cross, diff, norm, dot, scale} = linalg;
const rvec = diff(player.position, body.position);
const r = norm(rvec);
if (norm(player.velocity) < 1e-6) {
// cheating
player.velocity = scale(cross([1, 1, 1], rvec), 0.01/(r**2));
const vvec = diff(player.velocity, body.velocity);
const v = norm(vvec);
const Hvec = cross(rvec, vvec);
const H = norm(Hvec);
const mu = body.mass;
const p = H**2 / mu;
const resinnu = Math.sqrt(p/mu) * dot(vvec, rvec)
const recosnu = p - r;
const e = Math.sqrt(resinnu**2 + recosnu**2) / r;
// should also work for hyperbolic orbits
const a = p/(1-e**2);
const x = scale(rvec, 1/r);
const yy = cross(Hvec, rvec);
const y = scale(yy, 1/norm(yy));
const z = scale(Hvec, 1/H);
// Om i and w can be skipped when we just give tf...
let Om = Math.atan2(Hvec[0], -Hvec[1]);
if (Hvec[0] === 0 && Hvec[1] === 0) {
Om = 0;
let i = Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(Hvec[0]**2 + Hvec[1]**2), Hvec[2]);
if (i * Math.sign((Hvec[0] || 1) * Math.sin(Om)) < 0) {
i *= -1;
const nu = Math.atan2(resinnu, recosnu);
let w = Math.atan2(rvec[2] / r / Math.sin(i), y[2] / Math.sin(i)) || 0 - nu;
let t0;
let E;
if (a < 0) {
E = 2 * Math.atanh(Math.sqrt((e-1)/(e+1)) * Math.tan(nu/2));
const n = Math.sqrt(-mu / (a**3));
t0 = time - (e*Math.sinh(E) - E) / n;
} else {
E = 2 * Math.atan(Math.sqrt((1-e)/(1+e)) * Math.tan(nu/2));
const n = Math.sqrt(mu / (a**3));
t0 = time - (1/n)*(E - e*Math.sin(E));
// column-major... see se3.js
const tf = se3.product([
x[0], x[1], x[2], 0,
y[0], y[1], y[2], 0,
z[0], z[1], z[2], 0,
0, 0, 0, 1,
], se3.rotz(-nu));
const orbit = {
excentricity: e,
semimajorAxis: a,
inclination: i,
ascendingNodeLongitude: Om,
periapsisArgument: w,
lastE: E,
return orbit;
/** Let's be honest I should clean this up.
* This is the part that solves Kepler's equation using Newton's method.
* For circular-ish orbits, one or two iterations are usually enough.
* More excentric orbits can take more (6 or 7?).
* For near-parabolic orbits (and some others?) it often fails to converge...
export function getCartesianState(orbit: Orbit, mu: number, time: number) {
const {
excentricity: e,
semimajorAxis: a,
inclination: i,
ascendingNodeLongitude: Om,
periapsisArgument: w,
} = orbit;
let n = Math.sqrt(mu/(a**3));
if (a < 0) {
n = Math.sqrt(mu/-(a**3)); // mean motion
const M = n * (time - t0); // mean anomaly
// Newton's method
var E2 = 0;
var E = M;
let iterations = 0;
// a clever guess? https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1008200607490
// doesn't work at all.
while (Math.abs(E - E2) > 1e-10) {
if (e < 0.001) {
E = E2;
if (e < 1) {
E2 = E - (E - e * Math.sin(E) - M) / (1 - e * Math.cos(E));
} else if (e > 1) {
E2 = E - (-E + e * Math.sinh(E) - M) / (e * Math.cosh(E) - 1);
} else {
E2 = E - (E + E*E*E/3 - M) / (1 + E*E);
if (iterations > 100) {
console.log('numerical instability');
return {};
orbit.lastE = E;
let nu;
if (e > 1) {
nu = 2 * Math.atan(Math.sqrt((e+1) / (e-1)) * Math.tanh(E/2));
} else {
nu = 2 * Math.atan(Math.sqrt((1+e) / (1-e)) * Math.tan(E/2));
const p = a * (1 - e**2);
const r = p / (1 + e * Math.cos(nu));// * ((a < 0) ? -1 : 1);
const rd = e * Math.sqrt(mu / p) * Math.sin(nu);
if (orbit.tf === undefined) {
// FIXME: this is actually borken. :/
orbit.tf = [se3.rotz(Om), se3.rotx(i), se3.rotz(w)].reduce(se3.product);
const tf = se3.product(orbit.tf, se3.rotz(nu));
const pos = se3.apply(tf, [r, 0, 0, 1]);
const vel = se3.apply(tf, [rd, Math.sqrt(p * mu) / r, 0, 1]);
return {
position: pos.slice(0, 3),
velocity: vel.slice(0, 3),
function getOrientation(body: Body, time: number) {
return se3.rotxyz(
body.spin[0] * time,
body.spin[1] * time,
body.spin[2] * time,
export function makeOrbitObject(gl: WebGLRenderingContext, glContext: any, orbit: Orbit, parentPosition: number[]) {
const position = parentPosition;
// FIXME: currently borken.
// const orientation = [
// se3.rotz(orbit.ascendingNodeLongitude),
// se3.rotx(orbit.inclination),
// se3.rotz(orbit.periapsisArgument),
// ].reduce(se3.product);
const orientation = orbit.tf;
const buffer = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
const a = orbit.semimajorAxis;
const b = a * Math.sqrt(1 - orbit.excentricity**2);
const x = - orbit.semimajorAxis * orbit.excentricity;
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([
x-a, -b, 0, -1, -1,
x-a, +b, 0, -1, +1,
x+a, -b, 0, +1, -1,
x+a, +b, 0, +1, +1,
]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
const geometry = {
glBuffer: buffer,
numVertices: 4,
delete: () => gl.deleteBuffer(buffer),
return {