* Copyright (c) 2015 - 2022 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

* @file xil_mem.c
* This file contains xil mem copy function to use in case of word aligned
* data copies.
* <pre>
* Ver   Who      Date     Changes
* ----- -------- -------- -----------------------------------------------
* 6.1   nsk      11/07/16 First release.
* 7.7	sk	 01/10/22 Update Xil_MemCpy functions variables typecast
* 			  from int to s32 to fix misra_c_2012_directive_4_6
* 			  violations.
* 7.7	sk	 01/10/22 Include xil_mem.h header file to fix Xil_MemCpy
* 			  prototype misra_c_2012_rule_8_4 violation.
* </pre>

/***************************** Include Files ********************************/

#include "xil_types.h"
#include "xil_mem.h"

/***************** Inline Functions Definitions ********************/
* @brief       This  function copies memory from once location to other.
* @param       dst: pointer pointing to destination memory
* @param       src: pointer pointing to source memory
* @param       cnt: 32 bit length of bytes to be copied
void Xil_MemCpy(void* dst, const void* src, u32 cnt)
	char *d = (char*)(void *)dst;
	const char *s = src;

	while (cnt >= sizeof (s32)) {
		*(s32*)d = *(s32*)s;
		d += sizeof (s32);
		s += sizeof (s32);
		cnt -= sizeof (s32);
	while (cnt >= sizeof (u16)) {
		*(u16*)d = *(u16*)s;
		d += sizeof (u16);
		s += sizeof (u16);
		cnt -= sizeof (u16);
	while ((cnt) > 0U){
		*d = *s;
		d += 1U;
		s += 1U;
		cnt -= 1U;