* Copyright (C) 2002 - 2022 Xilinx, Inc.  All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

* @file xuartlite_l.h
* @addtogroup uartlite_v3_7
* @{
* This header file contains identifiers and low-level driver functions (or
* macros) that can be used to access the device.  High-level driver functions
* are defined in xuartlite.h.
* <pre>
* Ver   Who  Date     Changes
* ----- ---- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
* 1.00b rpm  04/25/02 First release
* 1.00b rpm  07/07/03 Removed references to XUartLite_GetControlReg macro
*                     since the control register is write-only
* 1.12a mta  03/21/07 Updated to new coding style
* 1.13a sv   01/21/08 Updated driver to support access through DCR bus
* 2.00a ktn  10/20/09 Updated to use HAL Processor APIs. The macros have been
*		      renamed to remove _m from the name.
* 3.2   sk   11/10/15 Used UINTPTR instead of u32 for Baseaddress CR# 867425.
*                     Changed the prototypes of XUartLite_SendByte,
*                     XUartLite_RecvByte APIs.
* </pre>

#ifndef XUARTLITE_L_H /* prevent circular inclusions */
#define XUARTLITE_L_H /* by using protection macros */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/***************************** Include Files ********************************/

#include "xil_types.h"
#include "xil_assert.h"
#include "xil_io.h"

 * XPAR_XUARTLITE_USE_DCR_BRIDGE has to be set to 1 if the UartLite device is
 * accessed through a DCR bus connected to a bridge.

#include "xio_dcr.h"

/************************** Constant Definitions ****************************/

/* UART Lite register offsets */

#define XUL_RX_FIFO_OFFSET		0	/* receive FIFO, read only */
#define XUL_TX_FIFO_OFFSET		1	/* transmit FIFO, write only */
#define XUL_STATUS_REG_OFFSET		2	/* status register, read only */
#define XUL_CONTROL_REG_OFFSET		3	/* control reg, write only */


#define XUL_RX_FIFO_OFFSET		0	/* receive FIFO, read only */
#define XUL_TX_FIFO_OFFSET		4	/* transmit FIFO, write only */
#define XUL_STATUS_REG_OFFSET		8	/* status register, read only */
#define XUL_CONTROL_REG_OFFSET		12	/* control reg, write only */


/* Control Register bit positions */

#define XUL_CR_ENABLE_INTR		0x10	/* enable interrupt */
#define XUL_CR_FIFO_RX_RESET		0x02	/* reset receive FIFO */
#define XUL_CR_FIFO_TX_RESET		0x01	/* reset transmit FIFO */

/* Status Register bit positions */

#define XUL_SR_PARITY_ERROR		0x80
#define XUL_SR_FRAMING_ERROR		0x40
#define XUL_SR_OVERRUN_ERROR		0x20
#define XUL_SR_INTR_ENABLED		0x10	/* interrupt enabled */
#define XUL_SR_TX_FIFO_FULL		0x08	/* transmit FIFO full */
#define XUL_SR_TX_FIFO_EMPTY		0x04	/* transmit FIFO empty */
#define XUL_SR_RX_FIFO_FULL		0x02	/* receive FIFO full */
#define XUL_SR_RX_FIFO_VALID_DATA	0x01	/* data in receive FIFO */

/* The following constant specifies the size of the Transmit/Receive FIFOs.
 * The FIFO size is fixed to 16 in the Uartlite IP and the size is not
 * configurable. This constant is not used in the driver.
#define XUL_FIFO_SIZE			16

/* Stop bits are fixed at 1. Baud, parity, and data bits are fixed on a
 * per instance basis
#define XUL_STOP_BITS			1

/* Parity definitions
#define XUL_PARITY_NONE			0
#define XUL_PARITY_ODD			1
#define XUL_PARITY_EVEN			2

/**************************** Type Definitions ******************************/

/***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions ********************/

 * Define the appropriate I/O access method to memory mapped I/O or DCR.

#define XUartLite_In32  XIo_DcrIn
#define XUartLite_Out32 XIo_DcrOut


#define XUartLite_In32  Xil_In32
#define XUartLite_Out32 Xil_Out32


* Write a value to a UartLite register. A 32 bit write is performed.
* @param	BaseAddress is the base address of the UartLite device.
* @param	RegOffset is the register offset from the base to write to.
* @param	Data is the data written to the register.
* @return	None.
* @note		C-style signature:
*		void XUartLite_WriteReg(u32 BaseAddress, u32 RegOffset,
*					u32 Data)
#define XUartLite_WriteReg(BaseAddress, RegOffset, Data) \
	XUartLite_Out32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset), (u32)(Data))

* Read a value from a UartLite register. A 32 bit read is performed.
* @param	BaseAddress is the base address of the UartLite device.
* @param	RegOffset is the register offset from the base to read from.
* @return	Data read from the register.
* @note		C-style signature:
*		u32 XUartLite_ReadReg(u32 BaseAddress, u32 RegOffset)
#define XUartLite_ReadReg(BaseAddress, RegOffset) \
	XUartLite_In32((BaseAddress) + (RegOffset))

* Set the contents of the control register. Use the XUL_CR_* constants defined
* above to create the bit-mask to be written to the register.
* @param	BaseAddress is the base address of the device
* @param	Mask is the 32-bit value to write to the control register
* @return	None.
* @note		C-style Signature:
*		void XUartLite_SetControlReg(u32 BaseAddress, u32 Mask);
#define XUartLite_SetControlReg(BaseAddress, Mask) \
	XUartLite_WriteReg((BaseAddress), XUL_CONTROL_REG_OFFSET, (Mask))

* Get the contents of the status register. Use the XUL_SR_* constants defined
* above to interpret the bit-mask returned.
* @param	BaseAddress is the  base address of the device
* @return	A 32-bit value representing the contents of the status register.
* @note		C-style Signature:
*		u32 XUartLite_GetStatusReg(u32 BaseAddress);
#define XUartLite_GetStatusReg(BaseAddress) \
		XUartLite_ReadReg((BaseAddress), XUL_STATUS_REG_OFFSET)

* Check to see if the receiver has data.
* @param	BaseAddress is the  base address of the device
* @return	TRUE if the receiver is empty, FALSE if there is data present.
* @note		C-style Signature:
*		int XUartLite_IsReceiveEmpty(u32 BaseAddress);
#define XUartLite_IsReceiveEmpty(BaseAddress) \
  ((XUartLite_GetStatusReg((BaseAddress)) & XUL_SR_RX_FIFO_VALID_DATA) != \

* Check to see if the transmitter is full.
* @param	BaseAddress is the  base address of the device
* @return	TRUE if the transmitter is full, FALSE otherwise.
* @note		C-style Signature:
* 		int XUartLite_IsTransmitFull(u32 BaseAddress);
#define XUartLite_IsTransmitFull(BaseAddress) \
	((XUartLite_GetStatusReg((BaseAddress)) & XUL_SR_TX_FIFO_FULL) == \

* Check to see if the interrupt is enabled.
* @param	BaseAddress is the  base address of the device
* @return	TRUE if the interrupt is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
* @note		C-style Signature:
*		int XUartLite_IsIntrEnabled(u32 BaseAddress);
#define XUartLite_IsIntrEnabled(BaseAddress) \
	((XUartLite_GetStatusReg((BaseAddress)) & XUL_SR_INTR_ENABLED) == \

* Enable the device interrupt. We cannot read the control register, so we
* just write the enable interrupt bit and clear all others. Since the only
* other ones are the FIFO reset bits, this works without side effects.
* @param	BaseAddress is the  base address of the device
* @return	None.
* @note		C-style Signature:
* 		void XUartLite_EnableIntr(u32 BaseAddress);
#define XUartLite_EnableIntr(BaseAddress) \
		XUartLite_SetControlReg((BaseAddress), XUL_CR_ENABLE_INTR)

* Disable the device interrupt. We cannot read the control register, so we
* just clear all bits. Since the only other ones are the FIFO reset bits,
* this works without side effects.
* @param	BaseAddress is the  base address of the device
* @return	None.
* @note		C-style Signature:
* 		void XUartLite_DisableIntr(u32 BaseAddress);
#define XUartLite_DisableIntr(BaseAddress) \
		XUartLite_SetControlReg((BaseAddress), 0)

/************************** Function Prototypes *****************************/

void XUartLite_SendByte(UINTPTR BaseAddress, u8 Data);
u8 XUartLite_RecvByte(UINTPTR BaseAddress);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* end of protection macro */

/** @} */